Fletcher's Website

The Life and Times of a Miami Tzu

Welcome Humans

Hi, my name is Fletcher and I am a Shih Tzu ( please note it is Shih not Shit, don't make me come over there and slap you upside the head ). Welcome to my website and please forgive me for any mistakes right now, I am only a small canine and have paws, so typing is a bitch and using a "mouse" is beyond me though a cat I know is pretty good at messing with them.

I like to think I am a pretty well rounded guy, at only 9 months I have already embraced the Miami Surf Scene ( as you can see ------> ) It is a little too easy for me and I think Miami lacks the challanges of the West Coast where I came from.

I have two brothers,shown in photo below, well one is a step brother ( Barnaby who is one the left) and one is a "cousin" ( Cooper on the right) from the other side of the train tracks if you follow me, and if you need any further hints think "Deliverance" and "purdy lips" Only joking he is the sensible one !


So we actually live in Sunny Isles, at least temporarily until our house is fixed ( Chinese DryWall )

Until then though we are stuck in the Trump Tower, such a come down for us high flyers