Fletcher's Website

The Life and Times of a Miami Tzu

Meet My Pets

Jen and Bill Spence are my " pets". They are very useful and not as smelly or troublesome as I was led to believe. Seems some of them can even be trained,but  not so sure for these two as I cannot get them to even politely sniff our butts in greeting ! Weird !!


Jen works for AdServices in Hollywood, doing who knows what but whatever it is seems to keeping the freeflow of spa days for us ?


Bill is a Ship Manager for Royal Carribean and works in the Port of Miami, no idea what a ship manager does and apparently neither does he ?

Bill was born in Bangor, Northern Ireland many years ago. He has worked in Marine industry ( and I use the term "worked" in its broadest sense !!) since being a pup fresh out of obedience classes. He finally moved to USA in 2005 permenantly, though we are still working with HLS to see if we cannot use rendition to correct that mistake

Keep the Treats coming

Under development

Clean it up I say

Under Development


On Oasis of the Seas